You will be able to control your profile and activity feed privacy settings under Settings once you’ve signed into your Outside account. The Outside privacy settings should serve as the global settings across the Home feed, Gaia GPS, and Trailforks.
The right-hand side drop-down will offer the option for Settings. From Settings, you can select, “Manage Privacy Settings.”
The default setting for your profile is set to PUBLIC.
Setting your profile to PUBLIC means that all Outside Network users can search for you, view your profile, follow you, and view your public activities.
Setting your profile to PRIVATE means that all Outside Network users can search for you, view your profile photo, username, and your bio, but users must REQUEST to follow you. Your activities and posts will only be viewable to your followers.
You can also choose your default settings for your activities and posts across Trailforks, Gaia GPS, and the Outside Network. You can change the settings for each individual activity or post.
Note: There may be a delay in syncing information across platforms. If you do not see your photo, username, or privacy settings syncing across platforms, you may have to update each platform individually. Importantly, please ensure that you have your privacy settings on each platform set to your preferred visibility and privacy.
Public Profile Settings
If your profile is set to PUBLIC, your default activity privacy will be PUBLIC to all users. You will still have the option to choose your activity privacy to be visible to everyone, only followers, or only you.
If your Activity Privacy is set to EVERYONE, your activities and posts are visible to all users. When you record a track or ridelog, your activity will be published publicly on the feed.
Private Profile Settings
If your profile is set to PRIVATE, you have the option to choose between followers or only you. You cannot make an activity public to everyone unless your profile is set to public.
If your Activity Privacy is set to FOLLOWERS, your activities and posts are visible to only your users. Your tracks and ridelogs will be visible to just your followers.
If your Activity Privacy is set to ONLY YOU, your activities and posts will only be visible to you.
IMPORTANT: If you wish to keep your ridelogs and tracks private to just YOU, it is important that you leave your activity privacy default settings to PRIVATE -> Only You. You will still have the option to share a track or activity to the feed and choose the privacy level for that particular activity post.
Further FAQs
Can I edit my privacy settings on a per post/item basis?
Yes, even if your privacy setting is set to everyone, you can still edit the visibility for each post you make on the feed.
Can I have different privacy settings for Gaia GPS and Trailforks than in my Outside profile?
Currently, the Outside privacy settings within your profile are globally connected with your Gaia GPS and Trailforks privacy settings. If you adjust your privacy settings in the Outside profile, these adjustments will propagate to Gaia GPS and Trailforks.
What profile information will be publicly shared?
Users will be able to search for your profile by full name and username. Your profile picture, full name, username, and bio (optional) will be publicly visible. If you set your profile to PRIVATE, users will need to request to follow you, and you can manage your notification settings for follower requests and new followers via the Manage Notifications section under the Settings dropdown.
If I post a public track but then make the track private, is it removed from the feed?
Yes, if you change your privacy settings for a post, it will update to align with the privacy setting you have chosen.
For further information on your privacy settings on Trailforks, please see this article.
For further information on your privacy settings on Gaia GPS, please see this article.