To change your Outside+ email address, please sign into your account and follow these steps:
1) Click on the Profile Avatar in the upper right corner
3) Click on Change Email
4) After changing your email address, click SAVE
If you are having issues signing into your account, you can reset your password here.
If you are having issues with merging your accounts, please visit this article.
To verify the email address associated with your account, click on 'Send Verification Email' under 'Change Email.'
The verification email will be sent to the email address that your Outside account is under. If you do not receive the verification email, please be sure to check your spam inbox. The email subject is 'Email Verification' and will come from
From here, you can click on the verification link or copy and paste the link into your browser. If you are still seeing the verification icon appear, please ensure that you have logged out, cleared your cache, and logged back in to see if the verification has been confirmed.