For all brands under the Outside umbrella, the charge on your credit card statement will show as Outside Interactive, Inc. You can see a list of brands here.
If you have a charge from Outside, it is most likely for an Outside+ membership. You can find more information about Outside+ here. Our Outside+ membership is billed yearly. Gaia GPS and Trailforks Pro are also part of Outside.
If you are not signed up for an Outside+ membership, your Outside Interactive charge could also be from a race or an event you are participating in, including events from AthleteReg or FinisherPix.
AthleteReg encompasses BikeReg, RunReg, TriReg, SkiReg, and PledgeReg. To find out if an event you participated in had registration hosted on athleteReg you can search our event calendars here. To see if your event photos were offered by FinisherPix, you can search here.